
  • Harvard Educational and Scientific Review

    Harvard Educational and Scientific Review is a scholarly journal of opinion and research in education. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about the field’s most vital issues. HESR has become a prestigious education journal, with circulation to policymakers, researchers, administrators, and teachers.

  • European Journal of Medicine


    Aims and scope

    European Journal of Medicine publishes translational, preclinical, and clinical research of international interest across all medical disciplines, enabling clinicians and other researchers to learn about developments and innovations within these disciplines and across the boundaries between disciplines. The journal also has a special focus on internal medicine, surgery, neurology, infectious diseases, and intensive care medicine. 


  • Cotton Science

    The multidisciplinary, refereed Cotton Science contains articles that improve our understanding of cotton science. Publications may be compilations of original research, syntheses, reviews, or notes on original research or new techniques or equipment. All manuscripts volunteered or invited, are submitted electronically and directed by the editor-in-chief to the appropriate associate editor for a double-blind peer review.

    The Journal of Cotton Science is published four times a year by the China Association of Agricultural Science Societies. Articles are available as Adobe PDF